Peanut, Peanut Brittle
Day 5 of Postapalooza to Christmas!!
My human and I made Peanut Brittle last night. Apparently each Christmas humans enjoy this treat and my Mom makes it from scratch the old fashioned way. First you have to get raw, blanched peanuts! The you find a marble slab, clear off your knick knacks and make it all slippery with butter!
You then enlist your trusty helper - Dory the Lab - to assist in all things cooking related.
You take corn syrup, sugar and water and boil it until it gets very, VERY HOT!
Whew - only 20 more posts until CHRISTMAS!!!
Oh wooow, that's ooo cool! Hmmm, Peanut Brittle...Sounds interesting to me! Looks sooo much like crunchy peanut butter. Is there a reason why it has to be put on marble to cool off? My mom is curious to know. I bet they taste just as good as peanut butter or maybe better!
We are enjoying your blogapalooza!
Your friend, Lenny
Boy, does that ever look good! Mom does own a candy thermometer, so we may just have to give that a try! Thanks, Dory!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh geez my dad loves peanut brittle but mom has never made it. She doesn't have a marble slab though.
Oooooh, that looks so good. Mom is going to try the recipe from the card box but has to find a marble slab. Hmmm.
Mom made some peanut brittle over the weekend, too! She also made suckers. This weekend is more peanut brittle and COOKIES!! I also get to help Mom. If it wasn't for me, the kitchen would look like a tornado went through it. She's such a slob!
I'm sure you'll do fine with the next 20 posts. You and your Mom are so creative!
Your Sorta Sis
Pawsome looking Peanut
brittle! Dory you look like one of the bestest Labbie assistance helpers I have ever seen!
we got your card in da mail yesterday! Thanks....
Maddie the Chocolate Labbie
Wow, that looks so yummy! Mmmmm... You have no idea how hungry I am now. I'm gonna have to get Lizzy to make this for me!
Yummy! Good thing you were there to help or she never would have finished! Love A+A
That looks like fun! Dory is such a good helper.
- Charlie
Hi, Dory
Thanks for sharing the recipe! My mom loves peanut brittle!
Problem is, we don't have a marble slab. I think she has to be creative!
Have a good night sweet helper!
Wow...that looks yummy. I wonder if there is a doggie version somewhere??? Mom said all that sugar would be bad for me...hmmm....
Lots of Licks, Ruby
that is so so cool a bubbly mess of goo turns into delicious peanut brittle!
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