The Labradory Awards...
Hi there - Dory here...
Mom and I decided while we were making our Christmas cards this year that we would send a Labradory Award and special gift out to the pup that sent the first card we received. This is the first award of it's kind and it was really fun putting it together.
Well Lenny and his family’s card arrived first all by itself so we sent a ball pull toy and certificate out to Lenny in honor of his being the first card received.Well this was so much fun we wanted to do a second award. At first we thought maybe an award for our favorite card – but honestly they all are so PAWSOME that we would never be able to pick just one.
So we decided to put all the names of dogs who sent us snail mail cards in a hat and draw a winner. That was a good solution, but it left out our cyber buddies who sent e-cards, soooo.....We will have two drawings one for snail mail and one for email – the drawing will be done on New Year’s Eve and each pup will be receiving a Labradory special prize and certificate to start off 2008 with.
So please check back and we will announce our prize winners.
Oh and by the way - Dory: a Billion Christmas cards received and no catalogs, Mom a billion catalogs and NO Christmas cards received - PRICELESS!!!!!!
Have a great weekend - the POSTAPALOOZA just keeps on going...
That is a wonderful award. We hope you enjoy all your Xmas cards.. Have a Merry Xmas....Gus and Louie
Thanks for the card. My dads have not got any cards either. Ha HA.
Frankie Doodles
Wow...that is such a nice idea Dory!!! That is so cool!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
That IS a neat idea, Dory! We love Lenny's certificate! It's very cool!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What a great idea!! Mom and Dad have not got one card either!
Thanks for the card! My humans haven't received any cards for them yet either....hehehehehe
WOo woo, Kelsey Ann
Oh, this sounds found! I can't wait to find out who's names will be drawn!
Santa hat bandannas! I have to have one of those! They look awesome! I'm gonna get Lizzy to get me one, he he!
Oooooopsie! Ignore that last comment, I thought I was commenting on a different dog's blog. Sorry about that, he he!
Hmmm - did someone mention Christmas? surely thats MONTHS away? Isn't it?
What a cool idea!! We loved your card and will come back to see who gets your Labradory awards!!
Your pals,
Jake and Just Harry
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