Oh Dear...
It appears my mom is baking again - as you can see I am helping! Friends were coming to Gramma's house for some early Christmas celebrating and Mom made apple pie...

I am loving visiting with my doggie cousins Zachary, Mollie and Mac - my human promised to take more pictures of us over the next few days!
Oh and Mom says all the recipes will be on HER blog, From the Card Box in the next day or so.
Ho ho ho.... Love, Dory
woo hoo...we gots those spodey dishes at our house too. They always gots some special stuff on them! And if your mom wants to cook in Azrizona, she can come here, OK
Oh WOW! Look at all those pawsomely delicious fooooooooodables!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Boy, Dory! Your mom is the best ever cook! You are so lucky! That apple pie has really caught our eye!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We say let your mom bake. After getting some of her baking she needs to do it all the time.
omdog that lasagna looks so gooooood! you are one lucky pup, I bet it smelled great in that kitchen!
Okay, My mom is asking if she can be adopted by your family, because all that food looks so so so yummy good, and then there's all those labs, and then you get to be in the Adirondacks, and I think she wants to be adopted and is wondering if that's possible when you're an adult and a hundred million years old.
I've been doing great all day. Really! You'd never know there had ever been a problem, except that I'm not driving mom crazy to go out and chase the ball. Otherwise, I am being completely normal and loving my mushy food, which I might even like better than lasagne and apple pie and molten bolten lava lights. I don't understand some people food.
So, mom says it doesn't appear to be a lab thing, and it sounds exactly like what Roxy the Devil Dog is going through, and she's a pug. It just seems to be rotten luck. I've been eating super healthy my whole life and have been 68 lbs since I hit adulthood ... and I'm 8 1/2 years old now. We still don't know conclusively what is going on, but it really just looks like rotten luck.
Mom will probably update regularly, and will definitely let every know if things take a turn for the worse. But for now, it all looks pretty stable and we get to have a nice, quiet little Christmas at home.
Have a fabulous holiday!!!!!!
Smoochies to every single one of you beautiful labbies.
oops. That should have been from Sophie Brador. Sherry is my mom.
Hi, Dory
The baking thing with your mom never ends! Everything looks delicious! I can't wait to see what will you have for Christmas!
Have a good night
OOOHH That food looks very good. Did you get to taste anything? I like to counter surf and I would have tried, but then I'd be on the naughty list. Merry Christmas!!!
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