The 25 Blog Posts of Christmas!
My human is INSANE! We were having a nice evening together, reading our Christmas cards that came in the mail today when my Mom got this glazed look in her eyes.
All of a sudden she says "Dory, we can do it, we can do 25 blog post from now to Christmas Day!" I said, "Oh no Mommie - we can't do that. What would we write about? With all the festivities we don't have the time..."
Well my mom persisted and we are doing 25 posts between now and Christmas Day - in celebration of the holidays. Mom said it was kind of like a Bloggy Advent Countdown to the big day - I SAY it is CRAZY.
So this is our third post in the month of December and it is December 3rd - keep your fingers crossed. Its a postapalooza until Christmas!!!

Wow! Your mom is CRAZY! My girl isn't even going to try to let us attempt such a feat! Good luck to you! Your tree looks so nice. Our girl always gets a plastic fake tree because naughty Comet pees on the real ones.
Thank you so much for your lovely ecard and regular card. Your card was so pretty and we loved all the glitter on it. It was extra fun because it made glittery shaking noises in the envelope. It was a bonus - noisy toy and card. Thanks!
Comet and BLU
Wow Dory... your DWB card was awesome!!! I agree with Comet and BLU above. The glittery shaking noises was FUN! We thought confetti would fall out at us, so mom helped us open it very carefully. Anyroo, thank WOO! It was simply beautiful!
Hi, Dory
Sure is going to be hard posting everyday until Christmas! But sure you and your mom can do it!
I will be coming everyday to read it!
Have a good night
Hi Dory,
We got your bee-yo-ti-ful card today!! I love the pic of the dog in the snowy field with all the colors & glitter..very pretty!!
Don't be scared, I'm sure you can think of lots of stuff to blog about. Maybe you'll even keep up the routine in 2008??
Christmas is such a fun and busy time of the year, Dory! You can do it! We know you can! We can't wait till you bake cookies with mom *hint hint*
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Dory, just dropping by to thank you for the pawsome card which arrived this morning. I love it! And thanks also for the Jacquie Lawson e-card, it was really clever. Good luck with your postapalooza! J x
I got your card, it's pretty.
Thank you.
25 post untill Xmas wow! can do it!
Wow - that is a great idea, albeit a little bit crazy. We LOVED your and your Mom are so talented!
Good Luck...if you keep writing, I'll keep reading!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hey Dory, I received your lovely e-card, thank you! Whoa, it should be hard! But I'm sure your mom and you can do it!!
Yea Dory every day until Christmas. What a great present.
I hate when they get crazy ideas in their head and we're required to follow along. Good luck with your posting and if you need help coming up with topics, let me know and I'll help you brain storm.
Your Sorta Sis
Mom agrees, she says your Mom has gone loco. :)
We're excited to read all your posts though!!
PS Do you have big birthday plans?
We will visit often! Blog about your cards, if nothing else! (that's what we are doing, hehe)
Funny you should talk about making 25 posts in December. Mama said the genealogy blogging community she is in is doing an Advent Calendar of Christmas, where participating bloggers answer pre-determined questions based on the days themes. She said it's hard but so far she's made a post everyday. I felt so gypped. Why didn't she do an Advent Calendar of Dog Blog posts? Hmmm? Hmmm?
Harumph. if you go to my page ( you can click on the "My Mommy's Page" link and see what I'm talking about.
holy cow, good luck with that!
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