Thursday, September 07, 2006

Work, what work...

OKAY – I am supposed to be working – but who can work when your dog is sitting beside you with her head on the coffee table????

Seriously, I have a ton of reports to review but Dory has determined that if she sits next to me and rests her head on the coffee table that I will be so distracted and give up working to play with her. She is a VERY smart dog.

Tonight I am scheduled to go to the introductory class at New England Dog Training Club (NEDTC). It's not that I can't train her myself - but working with trainers gives you perspective plus I get to see how she is out in public with other dogs. I'm sure she will have no trouble learning new things, I'm just not sure she will like new rules.

As I look over at her she has moved from the coffee table to the window - in Camelot she would be known as "Dory the Vigilant"! I've never known a dog who can stare out a window and keep herself so amused!!

Back to the grindstone for me!!!

1 comment:

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey Liza and Dory,

Welcome to - it's great to have you aboard. I am sure you will make lots of friends here :-)
