Dear Santa Claus...
Dear Santa –
I have been a very good doggie this year (and if Zachary tells you any different just remind him that it was HIS idea to steal the lamb chops off Gramma’s counter). My human told me all about getting coal in my stocking if I have been naughty and I want to assure you that the escape from my crate and eating a pound of packaged doggie treats off the kitchen table was my MOM’S FAULT for being forgetful and leaving them right there in my reach. SO NO COAL – okay??
Santa, this is my first time writing you because I am a rescue doggie and my first family didn’t really explain Christmas to me. So my first request is to get something nice for my Mom, maybe something sparkly because she seems to like shiny stuff A LOT. Bath products are a definite NO, as sometimes she uses them on me when she runs out of doggie shampoo *YECK*!
Secondly, I would like you to get something very, very nice for Gramma AND Uncle Harvey, because every time I visit they are very, very nice to me.
Third, I would really, really like it if you could bring nice fat juicy bones to all my DWB furry friends, they really rock and all of them deserve a nice treat.

Secondly, I would like you to get something very, very nice for Gramma AND Uncle Harvey, because every time I visit they are very, very nice to me.
Third, I would really, really like it if you could bring nice fat juicy bones to all my DWB furry friends, they really rock and all of them deserve a nice treat.

Fourth, I would really like it if you could find nice homes like mine for all the Labbies at Labs4Rescue. All the doggies in foster care and boarding need good homes and we would all be very grateful if there were no more needy homeless Labs out there.
Santa, I know this list was supposed to be my Christmas list, but I must confess Mom has given me a nice home, cushy dog beds, pretty collars, lots of toys, good food, tasty treats and many wonderful days – so please just see what you can do for all the sad and lonely doggies out there and I will be very happy (and once everyone else has been taken care of, if you could swing a new Tuffie ring toy for me that would be okay too)!
I am looking forward to seeing you next month, however if you could tell my mom not to tie all the ribbons and bows around me on Christmas morning that would be appreciated – as you can see in the photo below, I looked very silly indeed. I will leave some milk and cookies for you and some carrots for the reindeer too.

Dory the Lab
Boston, MA
P.S. In case you get lost or mapquest is confusing you, to get to my house take a left at the end of the Mass Pike and go north over the Zakim Bridge – that should get you here - I will be sure to leave the light on for you and the key is under the doormat!
Dory the Lab
Boston, MA
P.S. In case you get lost or mapquest is confusing you, to get to my house take a left at the end of the Mass Pike and go north over the Zakim Bridge – that should get you here - I will be sure to leave the light on for you and the key is under the doormat!
I hope you get all of your Christmas wishes, Dory! You're a sweet girl!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh Dory...what a great letter. I don't think Santa could resist not getting you EVERYTHING you've asked for...or at least try to!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Dory! You made Mom cry!!! (good tears though!)
We're going to post this on the letter blog we're making if that's ok. That way everyone can read them in one spot.
You're such a sweetheart!
what a wonderful christmas list you came up with, you sure are one selfless pup. If that fat man in the red suit finds your house tell him I have a doofus face that might help him pull his sled!
Hi, Dory
Sweet girl! Sure Santa will make all your wishes true!
I have a wonderful life too! And I'd love to know that every pup in this world has a lovely home like ours!
Have a nice day
What a nice letter to Santa! You're so caring for others. =)
OK, Dory wins. No one else needs to write because she has done such a great job, understand brat pack?
Oh Dory,WE LOVE YOU!!!!!! Your Boston pals.A+A
Great post! Love it...I'm hope Santa brings you everything you want or need. Woofs, Johann
I love your letter Dory! I'm working on my letter. I wanted to put a festive picture with my letter, but Mom is still having camera issues. Poor Mom. I think she has troube breathing without her camera attached to her.
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