Thursday, May 24, 2007

TAGGED and we don't mean GUTENTAG

Flori tagged us and we are happy to participate! (She is the cutest German Labrador Retriever living in England we know!)

The tag requires us to list 8 random facts/habits - Dory and I are taking this on together as a project. These are some things that aren't generally known about us:

1. LEGS: Liza has an artifical knee made of titanium. Very cool but now she buzzes at the airport! Dory still has her dew claws on all four feet, not fun on nail clipping day.

2. HOMETOWN: Liza was born in but never LIVED in the state of Connecticut. Dory came from Northern Mississippi as a rescue dog and has the southern drawl to prove it.

3. TELEVISION: Liza never misses an episode of LOST or The Sopranos. Dory adores old reruns of PBS/BBC All Creatures Great and Small and enjoys the Dog Whisperer. (She makes a very funny face when she hears cows moo on TV!)

4. MOVIES: Liza is a huge fan of World War 2 movies like The Great Escape and Saving Private Ryan. Dory cries every time we watch Charlotte's Web and Homeward Bound.

5. HOBBIES: Liza's favorite hobbies are knitting and photography. Dory's favorite hobby is "surfing" - that is countersurfing and surfing the web!

6. FOOD: Liza loves Indian food, especially Chicken Tikka Masala. Dory loves pizza and raw lamb chops. (see hobbies above!)

7. MUSIC: Liza loves U2, Goo Goo Dolls and Bon Jovi (she's still stuck in the 80's). Dory's favorite hits include "Black Dog" by Led Zepplin, "Givin the Dog a Bone" by AC/DC and "Rubber Biscuit" by the Blues Brothers.

8. VACATION: Liza's favorite vacation spot is anywhere on Cape Cod as long as it is on the beach. Dory's favorite vacation spot is Gramma's house - it is dog friendly and everyone knows her name!

So here are the rules for those who I am tagging:

1. Each person tagged starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
2. The person tagged blogs about each of these facts and posts these rules.
3. At the end of the blog entry, list eight people to get tagged.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’ve been tagged, and to read your blog.

I hate to do it but here is our "tagee" list - Maggie and Mitch, Peanut and Flash, Ruby, Boo Cassanova, Sparky, Kaos, Sophie and the Dachsies!


Dandy Duke said...

Those are great selections Dory and Liza! Thanks for tagging us. We're putting on our thinking caps!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Boo Casanova said...

i think dory's selection are so much better! just kidding just kidding. i think both have great taste.

my fav vacation would be any other place other than my home!

wet wet licks


Peanut said...

Okay Flash and I will figure out eight things and do this tomorrow.

Ruby Bleu said...

Hi Dory & Liza...
Thanks for the challenging and for letting us know all about you guys. My mom LOVES to knit (I just like to eat the yarn) and the sopranos too!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Lorenza said...

Hi, Dory and Liza. Its very interesting to know things about you two. My mom loves to knit and Lost too.
Have a good night!

Boo Casanova said...

weird, didn't see my name when i comment this morning. LOL

okay, gotta get right to it next week!

have a nice weekend to you too!

wet wet licks


Gus said...

WE figure you guys are on the water already, but wanted to say Thank you for the great list of random facts! Also, have a great weekend and post lots of pix when you get back.

Anonymous said...

Great Blog!

Dogmom wants to know if you want to trade links... if so, email her at

Thanks for guessing our breeds. We hope you win!

Wuf Ya - Gomer & Opie at DogsAyeView

Lady Kaos said...

Hey Dory! Hope you get to have tons of fun this weekend! Hope you're ready for another tag. I tagged you for the Reason you blog tag. Tags make me tired. I'm going to go take a nap now.

wally said...

Awesome! I didn't know you have a bionic Mom! Cool. I have my dewclaws too--we rule!


Lorenza said...

Hi, I'd be happy if you add my link to your list, thanks!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Jeannie says to tell you, nothing wrong with being stuck inthe 80s!

love and licks, Marvin xxxx

Sophie Brador said...

Hi Girls! I was already tagged for my 8 things. It was hard coming up with those! My mom says she would be happy to mail you some habs stuff, if it would make up for the Canadiens losing.