Sunday, March 11, 2007


I know it is hard to believe - but Dory and I have been pretty speechless with all the nice comments, questions and nomination for photo of the month at Dogs With Blogs. (Thanks Avery, you are such a cutie)

It is a lazy Sunday here, Dory and her dad are snoozing and after finishing up some projects around the house I finally have the house and blog to myself!

Everyone asked all about the boat and I think we answered almost all those questions. It is due to be launched at Winter Island Park in Salem MA on April 1, 2007. Once it is in the water and the weather and sea conditions permit Dory will be back on the high seas with us!!

Someone, Freda, I believe asked if Dory was named after the fish or the boat - and I have to say that everyone under the age of about ten years old believes that Dory must be named for the ultra cute character in Finding Nemo, voiced by Ellen DeGeneres.
However, in our lives prior to being a couple Chris always had boy Labs and I always had girl Labs - so when Emily passed and we adopted Dory, we chose a name that represented something we both enjoy and that is boating.

Every year in Gloucester Masssachusetts the Cape Ann rowing club has tons of "dory boats" rowing in a competition called the Blackburn Challenge. Dory's are cute practical boats and we felt that Dory was a cute and practical name for our newest member of our little family. So, yes - Dory is named for the boat, but we don't mind if you prefer thinking of her as being named for the fish too!

It also came up in converstations with Sophie that Dory and I are big hockey fans and despite our location we are big Montreal Canadiens fans!! (GO HABS)
It's not that we don't like the Bruins, it's just when I was young we lived near enough for my first sporting event to be a Montreal Hockey game with my Dad. Once a Montreal fan - always a Montreal fan. (Sorry to all my Boston area readers, friends and neighbors)

Sophie also asked about how Dory got such pretty eyes - and honestly we wish we knew. She was a rescue dog from Labs4Rescue and we feel fortunate enough that we got some health records with a birthday on them!! Who ever her doggie parents were we hope that any brothers and sisters she may have had got good homes too!! Our Dory is sweet, mild mannered, caring and very sensitive and where ever it came from in her family tree we are happy to have her!!

Last but not least we have to give a big shout out to Butchy, Snickers and their mom Linda. Dory and I decided to send a little surprise their way and it was so much fun to see the pictures and video on their website when their "Dino CUZ" toys arrived!! It gave us such a tickle and lots of smiles - thanks!!

Also thanks to Linda who told me how to add links in my blog - as you can see today's page is full of them. What next - well we are hoping for video footage!!

Happy Sunday to one and all! Dory is waking up and we are going to catch up on our dog blog reading!!

Love, Liza


Sophie Brador said...

Hi Liza ... and Dory, of course. If you ever come up to Montreal in the winter, you'll have get yourself a Montreal Canadiens hockey jersey, find the nearest neighbourhood park, grab a hockey stick and skate in circles for hours. (Literally, ever park in the city has an outdoor rink and this is something close to mandatory behaviour for all residents). But as our snow is finally melting, you might have to settle for a Habs toque to wear on the boat on cold days.

Dandy Duke said...

What awesome pics! Just gorgeous! You're a lucky girl to be able to go boating with mom and dad Dory! I can't wait to read about all of these adventures!

Love ya lots,

Joe Stains said...

hello to you both, glad you are having a super sunday and thanks for sharing Dory's name story!

Avery said...

Hi Dory,

I love the story of your name! It's fun to hear about how people/dogs get their names and the personal meaning behind them. I'd never heard of a dory boat before, so you taught me about something new.

I was already named Avery when Mom and Dad got me. They aren't sure how I got my name, but it seemed to suit me so they kept it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dory and Dory's mom! I also had papers with my birthdate on them when I was rescued! Mom and Dad like celebrating our birthdays so I'm very happy one of the shelters I was in wrote down my birthday. The military vets take very good notes and are good at being sure the records transfer with the dog so when my last family gave me up, they had all my previous vet records too. I am VERY happy about that. That's how Mom and Dad found out I have a microchip in my butt! (Well, somewhere, Dad likes to say it's in my butt though.) AND that's how they found out about my itchy ears! If they hadn't read my vet records, I would have had to go to the vet AGAIN for my itchy ears. My mom spent a day trying to figure out what the vets wrote in my file though and then she went to the store and came back with a bottle of stuff to spray in my ears. I really hate that stuff, but it helps a lot. Whoa! That was a really long comment! I better save more comments for later.

Cash said...

Really nice pics! Can't wait to read about your continued adventures with the boat.

Tin Tin Blogdog said...

Hee hee hee,

soon it'll be Cap'n Dory. Then she'll be barkin' at you to walk the plank!

Chow for now,

Tin Tin xo

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Hi Liza and Dory! We love reading your Blog, it is so interesting.

I particularly like reading about Dory as she is a Lab. I am a Lab/Collie but think I have more Lab than Collie in me. I am very gentle and good natured too.

love and licks Marvin xxxx
ps thank you for linking with me!

Boo Casanova said...

wow, those photos are really speechless for me too.

wet wet licks
