Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Nibbling for charity??

Our favorite "doggie charity" - Labs4Rescue will have a booth at the North Attleboro Charity Dog Walk that is being held this Saturday May 5, 2007 from 10 am to 3 pm right at the North Attleboro High School, Massachusetts. Mom and I are very excited because we will be volunteering to man the booth and spread the word about Labs4Rescue and all the wonderful things they do. Mom and I also volunteered to make a "doggie" gift basket to raffle off and raise money to save more Labs!
Mom and I like making the raffle baskets because it is something we get to do together. We buy things for the basket at our favorite pet stores so I can go in and shop too! I also love to supervise all the toys and treats being put into the basket before that yucky plastic covers it all up.
As you can see there are lots of fun things, toys, treats and even two Beenie Babies for the humans. I have to admit all the aromas and toys went straight to my head and I was feeling rather woozy.
Then it happened. I was reeling from all the sensory input when I was caught trying to nibble the Beenie Baby Labrador!! My Mom said she was "NOT AMUSED"!!! If you ask me I can't believe Mom actually caught me on camera!!
Well, needless to say - I learned to vaulable lessons last night.

ONE, volunteering to help those less fortunate can be lots of fun and TWO, never, never, never nibble the toys in the raffle basket!! (Especially if Mom has the camera in her hands!)

If you or you and your human are any where around North Attleboro, Massachusetts on May 5th - stop by the Labs4Resuce booth and say hello! Plus check out the zillion ways you can make a difference in an abandoned dog's life by going to the Labs4Rescue web site!!


Dandy Duke said...

That Beanie Lab is adorable Dory! I don't blame you one bit for wanting to keep her!

Love ya lots,

Tealeaf said...

Hmmm "nibbling for charity". I'm sure I could master that one! Hope the fundraiser goes well.


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

well, Dory, as you will see from my Blog, I am on my way to Kansas (without a map and no sense of direction!)......so I may call in on my way and Walk the Charity Dog Walk!

My paws will be a bit sore by then but it will be worth it just to see you!

and the fun basket your Mama made up!

love and licks Marv xxxxxx

The Brat Pack said...


Your Mom totally rocks for helping out! Give her kisses for us.

That basket looks great. Maybe you should just send it to us and we'll send you some of Moms money back. She won't even miss it.

The Brat Pack

Ferndoggle said...

What an awesome basket!! My Mom made one of those for our local rescue group (but much smaller) and it raised $60! We love helping dogs that aren't as spoiled as we are.

You & your Mom get 3 tail wags from us!!

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

What a great basket and what a great thing you and your mom are doing. We had our Spring fundraiser last weekend ... it was for dachshunds. We hope yours was as successful as ours ... or even MORE successful!

Roxie, Sammy & Andy