Just say no - TO WORK!
My humans have been very busy - WORKING!!! I say work, shmurk - I want to play!!!
Mom it is time to stop and smell the ROSES... Both of you need to frolic in a field.....
Dad it's time to dip your toes in the ocean....
MOST OF ALL - it's time to play with ME!!! Here I wait PATIENTLY!! Is it FRIDAY?? (Okay - Gussie has far better poetic skills than I do - but you all catch my drift - right?!)
Oh and FYI - Thanks to everyone for their support during my ear crisis. (Mom, I know you said it wasn't a crisis - just type what I say - OKAY) Anyhow, my ears are on the mend and I am feeling more myself.
Love, Dory
Hi Dory...
I know what you mean about the work thing. Sure, Mom comes home and plays with me and we sometimes go to the park after work, but it just isn't like the weekends were we have TONS of fun...oh well, only 3 more days till Saturday!
So glad your ears are getting better!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
We are very glad to hear that you ear is better. get it? hear? hahaha LOL
anyway, work STINKS, mom and dad need to stay home more with me.
Oh I'm so glad my mom doesn't work. I am glad your ears are doing better.
I totally hear ya Dory! They should play with us! What's this work stuff???
Glad to hear the ear is on the mend!
Hey Dory! We have the same style bed! I guess we must shop at the same store!
I'm glad my mom is home all the time. I'm sure lucky! Saturday's comin'! It's not far off now!
Love ya lots,
dory, that's the sulking face i make every morning when my mom preparing to leave for work. i know she feels sorry but she still left the house without me. :(
wet wet licks
Yay Dory! I'm glad your ears are feeling better.
You keep working on your mom and dad. Stare them down with the super sad doggie eyes and they'll have no choice.
P.S. You asked where I got my lobster. We found him at Petsmart with the seasonal toys they have (and he was only $6). I hope you get one!
Hey Dory. You do OK with rhymes. Maybe you should buy your mom a store. Then you can work there like I do!
Aww. Looks like someone has a little stuffed ducky :-)
The FleasGang
ooooh Dory I am so sorry, things have been busy here in Scotland, I am so glad your ear crisis is much better now.
I agree "take time to smell the roses"......or the lamp posts, mmmmm!
love and sniffing licks, Marv xxxxx
Hi, Dory. Happy to hear that you feel better.
Your are so right about work, but I don't have other option, my mom has to work all day long so I have to wait weekends to be with her all day. On weekdays I have my grandma and grandpa to play with me, but I always want my mom at home.
Have a nice day!
You've got your toys all ready to go & everything! How can they go to work with those big pleading eyes???
Mean hoomans!
Sherman, Penny & Lola
We are glad you are feeling better and your ears don't bother you as much.
Work! The only good thing we have seen about work is Mom can buy us lots of dog biscuits and toys. Other than that, it has no value. Maybe we need to work on the sad puppy dog eyes like you have. With three sets of sad eyes looking at her, maybe Mom would stay home!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
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