The calm before the STORM!

Normally Mom and I hang out and read the paper together, clean the house,maybe run a few errands on Fridays - but since the bad storm is coming we decided to run our errands and then head over to see the boat and play on the beach. I like Fridays because Mom either works at home in the morning or only spends half a day at the office. The rest of the day is for us girls!!

The boat looked kinda lonely there all by it's self - but actually the waves and weather today weren't too bad. It was grey and overcast - but it wasn't cold and no rain to be found.

I wish Dad was here - we can't go out on the boat without him - Mom can't lift the dinghy and the Salem launch is only running in the summer. We had fun anyhow playing on the beach with all the seagulls, rocks and sand.

You know, these barnicle look really tasty - but they just have such an icky flavor once you start licking them!

I can't drink the salty water, but I like putting my nose in it and see if there are any fishies or crabs in there.

Aw, come on there has got to be one crab around here somewhere!! This is me in full hunt mode, just call me Dory the Beachcomer.

I love my lighthouse here at Winter Island!

Mom was a maniac with the camera today. Sit Dory, stay Dory, Dory smile, Dory look at me... what does she think I am some sort of supermodel?? I'm just working for kibble here!!!

As you can see, Mom likes our lighthouse too. It's not really ours, but it is fun to pretend. Besides we are the only ones on the beach today. There are a few people up on the hill looking out from their cars - and a few fishermen hanging out chatting, but mostly it's just me and my mom.

Hey - I see a seagull! No more of this sitting around for me!!! I'm sorry that Dad has to take the boat off the water, but I'm glad Mom and I got a chance to play before the rain comes!! We hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
Oh looks like so much fun. I want to come hunt crabs with you. Hope your dad gets the boat put away before the big storm. Hey if you are interested in getting your mom to stop feeding her kibble. Tell her to join this email list
There is lots of information there.
or my mom could recommend a book.
what? u get your mom with you most of the time on fridays? how envy am i! u know, fridays normally is the day when my mom and dad come home late. they called it "dating" but i say, they were just trying to spend some quiet time WITHOUT me! :-(
wet wet licks
Liza: You are so lucky to have a beach! MMMM - hope you found some crabs to munch after Dory put away the camera. We hope your boat is safe and sound before the water gets choppy.
Gussie and Teka Toy
You're so shiny, Dory! Must be all the tasty crabs!
- Charlie
I just found your blog, love the seaside pictures, the New England coast is so pretty :)
And the fact that their is a lovelty Lab in them makes them all the better!
K & co.
I love the photos with the lighthouse as a backdrop! What paintings these would make for your bedroom wall Dory!
I heard about this yucky weather coming! Bore!
Love ya lots,
Oh dory, You look so much like Sophie when you hold your ears back, like in that first photo. Are you sure there isn't some Chesapeake Bay Retriever in there too?
I hope the storm isn't too bad. We got snow here again too. We're sick to death of the muck!
Hi Dory!
Maddie the Chocolate Lab here...
You are a beautiful Lab! My Mom loves the way your eyes reach out in your pix! Beautiful eyes.
Great Blog!
Tail wags and Woofs,
You look like you had a great time at the beach. We have never been to the beach and Mom says ours would be all sandy and we would not like it because the there is so much water. But then ... we aren't labs and don't have that natural love of water.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Hiya Dory and Liza from Sunny and Warm Scotland! We will try to send some good weather over to you so you can take your boat out on the water!
We like your beach pictures very much and Dory is just soooooooooo beautiful!
love and licks from Marvin xxxxxx
Love from Jeannie xxxxx
Darn! They just got the boat in and they have to take it out? Maybe when they put it back in, you'll get to go out on it this time! I love your pictures! My mom does the same thing when we're out exploring. Kaos sit, Kaos look at me...I'm busy finding birds! We don't go on many adventures without Dad though. Mom's afraid of snakes and bears and mountain lions. It doesn't help that the last time we went on an adventure there was a snake Dad had to take care of and Sasha was the one to find it. Dad and I stepped right over it, but Sasha's closer to the ground and saw it so now Mom says Sasha saved her life. It wasn't a dangerous snake!
Anyway, on the news it looks like you're getting lots of rain in your area. We have a little. Just enough to make my yard yucky. I hope you don't get so much that you have to use the boat to run your errands!!
Good luck!
WOW!! What a great day you had!!! Hey, your jet black fur is so shiny, I LOVE it!!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
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