Tuesday, December 19, 2006

It's Dorylicious...

This weekend we had a party for Dory. Never in the world has there been a more spoiled Labrador!!!

We started off by having Pizza on her actual birthday and giving her a slice of her own. This was followed by baking her a “doggie cake” from scratch, with Dory’s assistance of course. She even had a personalized Birthday Party Hat!!!

Anyhow - this is how it all happened!

First you add the egg.

Then you quality check the batter.

Don't forget to taste the pan - just in case.

Hey, we made a cake!

It's a very pretty cake!

Can you say TASTY - it's Dorylicious!!!


Tom Bailey said...

Interesting pictures. The quote you have for your profile. EXCELLENT
I really like that one. Party for a dog? Sounds fun.

Charlie said...

A belated Happy Barkday, Dory! Ymmy looking cake...

Thanks for the Christmas card!
- Charlie

Duke said...

Your very own cake! I'm so jealous! Did you get to eat the whole thing in one sitting?
Happy Birthday Dory.


Joe Stains said...

holy crud you got Pizza AND Cake?! My mom better be paying close attention to this to see how to celebrate my birthday!