Sunday, February 24, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Mom and I went to Gramma's for the long Presidential Weekend! I must say I had certainly had Presidential treatment all weekend. As you can see it was snowy and icy at Gramma's House.

Posted by
11:27 AM
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Wet Nose Smooches All Around!
Hey gang - Dory here! Whew New England - one minute it is snowing the next rainstorms with thunder! The weather has been crazy and my crazy mother has been baking again! When she told me we were going to make cookies - I thought she meant DOGGIE COOKIES - but no such luck. Mom made heart shape shortbread cookies...
Some had chocolate drizzled all over,
Others had pink icing.
And sadly all of them, red sprinkles, pink icing and chocolate drizzle - well they all got packed in a box and Mom took them to work.
A few cookies did come my way, and my mom said it is good to share our home made goodies with our friends. Mom says we are off to Gramma's tomorrow after work - so we wanted to take the opportunity to say....
Posted by
8:10 PM
Monday, February 11, 2008
I want one!
I would love it and play with it and name him GEORGE for heavens sake! I mean really! How can she say NO to this face?
I hear there is a woman named Elizabeth in England who has Corgis and Labs and they liked her so much for being a good dog mom they made her QUEEN OF ENGLAND! My mom could be QUEEN OF MASSACHUSETTS if she would only get me a cute little Corgi dog!!! How about THAT Mom?!?!?
Even after my excellent argument, my mom still says "NO" and said even if I loved it and played with it she would still have to feed it and clean up after it so no means NO.
Posted by
3:22 PM
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Just a regular Sunday...
So my human was a little slow today. Her barkday was this week and all the humans kept her busy, she was even out last night at a hockey game and didn't take me. (Being out late is not a good look for Mom - or maybe it was the beer?) SO after some major cuddling this morning I convinced her to go to the dog park and maybe up to Winter Island so I could play by the ocean.
Of course in order for me to have some time for fun, I have to sit for all these stupid pictures!
Isn't my ocean pretty?
The only thing that makes the photo shoot bearable is the COOKIES in Mom's pocket!
It was a nice time at the beach, but like all good things, you have to go home. Mom says we are going to bake some cookies for Valentine's Day - could those be DOGGIE COOKIES?
Have a great week everyone!!
Posted by
3:17 PM
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Super Tuesday
Dory has let me hijack the blog today and of course I am on my soapbox because today is very important. Today in Massachusetts and in many other states around the country - it is primary day. On my way to work this morning I stopped by the Senior Center and voted.
I saw an interview on TV a while back with a World War II veteran who said, "I fought for America, I fought for freedom and I fought so future generations can have the right to vote."
So be you Democrat, Independant or Republican - if you are in a "SUPER TUESDAY" state, please enjoy your freedom, honor our veterans, remember our founding fathers and take the time to vote.
Posted by
8:23 AM
Monday, February 04, 2008
Time to say so long...
Well our beloved Patriots didn't win, but it was a heck of a season and a heart stopping game. My human says we should be good sports so we would like to say CONGRATULATIONS to all our friends who are Giants fans.
Secondly as we head back to our homes I would live to give a huge hug and thank you to Gussie, Joey, Tanner, Teka, Asta, Ruby and all the other "PAWTY goers" who made this a great weekend no matter what the outcome! We loved being included in the Superbowl Pawty and have some great memories to take back to Boston.
After all good friends, fun times and wonderful memories are worth more than any old trophy. Thanks guys...
Posted by
8:21 AM
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Superbowl HOOPLAAAA!!!

The whole gang had a love time, learned many new dances and danced their paws off!! Aren't Flash and I cute!
Oh and did I mention the Guacamole dip! Mucho Gracias to Albert - it gives new meaning to the word YUMMOOOOO!
Whew - I'm gonna need a power nap so I can get my game face on for tonight! GOOOOOOO PATRIOTS!!!!!!

Reporting from beautiful Arizona, this has been Dory the EXHAUSTED LabraDory!
For more news from the Superbowl PAWTY check out Gussies's blog, Joe's blog, Asta's blog and Ruby too! (Oh I hope I haven't forgot anyone, my body and brains are tired!) - So check them all out...(Yes Gramma, that means YOU!)
Posted by
11:19 AM