Monday, August 21, 2006


Okay, I am obsessed! Dory is too darn cute. We were over at the vet today, she got her lyme vaccine out of the way and now since she is officially ours she got "microchipped". The vet staff all raved how cute and what a good girl she is. The vet pronounced her in perfect health and she is good to go until next summer.

My mom asked what she was like the other day, did she have any traits or behaviors. BOY DOES SHE EVER!!!

To look at her you see this slim pawed medium size Lab girl and when the UPS Man rings she lets out this mighty, deep "WOOF"!! The bark does not match the pink collared girl. On the boat the other day, Dory was trying to catch flies in her mouth - another cute trait that she shares with my first Lab girl Gillie.

Today's cute attribute I noticed is that she seems to rest her head on things. Dory was sitting beside me while I was checking my email and she sat here beside the chair and rested her head on the coffee table. I had to laugh, I mean I have seen her rest her head on the chair arm, but there she sat just resting her head on the table as if it was too heavy to lift.

Chris calls her "Hammy" because she is very expressive and well, a ham for attention. I know that people say that others never want to hear about your kids or pets - but I really can't help myself. Having a younger dog around for the first time in a long time is invigorating. I am gushing because I am definitely in love with Miss Dory Blue Young!!

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