Heading Up and Moving Out
Hello All! We are going to Gramma's house for Christmas - so I thought i would prod my human into one more post before we leave.
I wanted to share some pictures of my humans - including my new guy. Here he is scrunching my ears when we were hiking this fall. We do a lot of cool trips to waterfalls and other pretty places and most of the time my humans make sure I can come along. My favorite part of any trip or for that matter any day, is when Don does some serious ear scrunching with me! This fall my humans went on a trip (without me *SIGH*) to New Hampshire, where they attended the Loon Mountain Scottish Games and Festival. Since they both have ancestors from Scotland - they dressed up fancy and went to dinner.

Dory -
Looks like your soon to be dad knows how to take care of all your lovie dovie needs.
Will he wear his kilt to the wedding?
Alright! Ear scrunchings are very important! I hope y'all take lots of pictures at grammas! Oh yeah, I want to know too, will Don wear his kilt to the wedding?
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
It looks like your Mom picked you a great Dad!!! That picture of them is sooo cute, but it would have been better if you were there.
Mom says oooohhhh a man in a kilt. :) I'm so glad you are getting a great dad to go with your great mom. Have fun at Grammas. Get some chops while your there.
Have a great time at your gramma's, Dory! Don looks like a very compassionate man! He's going to make you a wonderful dad!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
w00f's Dory, it iz really impawtitant fur daddys to give pawsome ear scratches...have a wonderful merry christmas..
b safe,
Have a great time at your Grandma's! I can't wait to see more pictures of you! I'm glad Don is being so nice to you cuz if he was mean to you, I'd have to come visit you and have a bite out of him - I mean a talk with him!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas our Boston buddy!!!!! He looks like a keeper!! Love and kisses A+A
Hey Dory! Hope you're having a freakinz good time & Grandma's!
Solid Gold Dancer
Don looks like a great dad especially since he is well versed in ear scrunches! We hope you got lots of pictures at your Gramma's house and your humans find some time to help you post them. We know that is the hardest part ... getting the humans to do a little work.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Lovely Scottish pics my dear Dory and family.
We are in total awe and admiration for that beautiful photo, oh and the tartan , it is soooooooooo lovely!
We have begun blogging again, I hope you find time to be friends once more, we always valued your friendship back in the day.
Your Ma looks so pretty with her tartan sash, and as for the kilt, well my J is swooning.
love and many licks,
Dory, your friend, Marvin xxxxxxxx
pee ess thank you for your lovely Jaqui Lawson ecard you sent us!
Belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Hey there. I'm new to the blogging world, and I found your page and thought I would say hi. Feel free to check out my sister, mom and I on our blog.
~ Justys ~
Hello there
Ear scrunching is to die for!!! Apart from then there wouldnt be any more ear scrunching, that would be horrific.
Vist my blog when you get back from holiday!!!
Mr Koda
PS... Your pretty!
We have missed you, I hope all is well...
Happy birthday, Dory!
It's been over a year since we've heard from you. We hope you are doing well!
Merry Christmas!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Greeting from Belgium
Louisette+2 golden Primrose's Dream Cerise+ Zitablue du Bosquet Mignon.
Have a nice summer.
See page links golden kennel + my blogs
http://retrieverhond .eigenstart.nl/
"I'm excited to be going to Gramma's this wee ..." Heh. A bit of a Freudian slip, there, Liza? Hope you were able to contain yourself...
- - - - - - -
dog beds and more
Sorry they went without you. Did you at least get a doggie bag? Thought I'd drop by and leave that site I've been wagging about http://www.k9stud.com/viewalldogs.aspx
I hope you enjoyed all the snow and can't wait for you to get blogging again. Enjoy your down time and drop us a line very soon. Oh yeah I wanted to share that site I've been barking about http://www.k9puppy.co.uk/PuppiesforSale
Dorry... *hugs and tummy rubs from scout's mom*
Hi Dorry,
Poor you! Come here & stay with us. We will play with you.
Happy Birthday, Dory! We would love to know how you're doing! Are you on facebook? We're at sue pirozzolo senerchia if you are.
Love ya lots♥
Mitch, Molly and angel Maggie
thank you for sharing
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