Some 'splaining to do...
WOW - where to start, I know my human has been neglecting my blog, but I have spoken to her and she has agreed to amend her ways. As Ricky Ricardo on TV says - I have "some 'splaining to do"!
First off - did you guys hear about the ice storm that happened outside of Boston?? We were at Don's house when the storm barreled through and here are some photos of what happened!

Well enough of that and on to other news - yesterday was my SIXTH BIRTHDAY! I got a BIG rawhide treat and a new stuffed toy and even got a special decorated doggie cookie. It was a great day and I appreciate all the warm wishes from my furry friends!!
The other news I have is that my human is getting married this coming April. Ever since Thanksgiving she and her "fiance" have been doing wedding stuff - BLECK. I hate all the lovey dovey stuff, but I am excited that TWO humans are going to buy me a new house with a yard and everything. Who knows maybe I'll even get my own room!!
So I am very sorry that we have been away from the blog - but as you can see I was hard at work match making! How could my new guy no fall in love with me, and my mom isn't too bad either!
My mom has sworn an oath to help me post more really soon. Have a great day everyone!!
Love, Dory
Well Dory (and Liza) - I do hope you don't mind a little Cavalier King Charles checking by your blog. My name is Hollie and my mummy is Molly - daft eh?
I liked your pics of the ice storm...that made me dive under mummies duvet for at least another two hours with the very thought of all that cold..
I read that you had your sixth birthday yesterday? Woof! I am a bit of an old girl these days at ten years old, I suffer with my heart you know. But never too old to say hello from across the pond!
Come and pay my mummy a visit - she promises she will get a real photo of me on her new blog very soon - (she cheated for the first picture..anyway, she's awful at photography..but I will make her put one on of the real me very soon).
Keep warm pal.
Love Hollie & Molly x
Oh Dory, we're so excited to hear from you but our Mom is jumping up and down about your Mom's news!! CONGRATS! She deserves every bit of happiness and our paws are crossed for your new house.
Bear & the rest of the Brats
Hey Dory... Moose thinks you are one beautiful girl! He just turned 7 and is also a rescued black lab! We are excited to hear that you will have 2 adoring humans soon!
Moose + his mom
Dory! Dory! Dory! I am so happy that you are back. It appears you have been super busy making sure your human gets that whole mating thing worked out.
Those snowstorm pictures are scary. Might have been a good day to stay home instead of out in the wilds of Westford (we only got rain here in Framingham).
There are so many questions. Where will you live after the wedding? On your human's boat perhaps? Will you be in the ceremony? On the honeymoon?
w00f's Dory, me iz happy u iz back and happy late barkday...hope u had a very special day and u has many many more barkdays...dose ice picksurs looks dory, congrats to ur mama and ur soon to b dad...gonna b fun wiff 2 to spoil u now..
b safe,
Dory Dory Dory. It is so good to see you. Our mom is so so so so so so so excited for you and your mom. What great news. Woo hoo we are so excited. You made our day
Awww Dory! I miss you!
Congrats to your peoples...& congrats on getting a new dog house & yard! I really hope they let you decorate!
love & licks,
Happy 6th birthday, Dory and congratulation to your mom! What awesome news! Are you going to be the flower girl at the wedding?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Stay warm!!
Happy Birthday Dory! Sounds like you had a great day!
Congratulations to your Mom and Don!
We can understand why you have not been blogging!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Dory! Happy happy birthday! and Congratulations!!! Now you will have two very lucky humans. I am really happy for all of you. I could tell that you liked him from your previous posts. :)
My grandparents were in the storm too and they lost power for 4 days! They had to sleep by the fireplace.
Your friend, Lenny
Happy Birthday Dory! Congratulations to Liza! What a great way to start your blog again!
Happy Barkday and welcome back, Dory! We've missed you!!
- Charlie
Hey Dory, That's great news for your mom and you too. Congrats! That ice storm looks nasty. We're pretty used to those kinds of storms in Quebec, but the really bad ones are always scary no matter what.
Happy belated b-day! It's almost the same day as my mom's, which is today.
Thanks for the card too!!!!
Hey Dory - welcome back buddy, we have missed you SO much !
Big congrats to your mum too - wonderful news, she deserves all the happiness in the world :)
Don't be a stranger - poke your mum every week to make her blog :)
lots of love,
Opy (and Brooke)
HAppy belated to you and COngrats to your Mom! What wonderfull news!!!! We didn't get that ice this way but it sure is a mess and we hope you got your heat by now!!!!! Love and kises your Boston Buddies A+A
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
xoxo ,
Four Musketeers & family
Lady , Zena , Cody & Joyce
Yikes! That winter weather can be scary -- the Husky loves the snow, of course, but ice storms are downright dangerous!
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dog beds and more
Nice view! I think Dory will enjoy playing. thanks for sharing. :)
Dog Fence
wonderful news, she deserves all the happiness in the world :)Challenge coins
Dory, it's great to see you. We hope the path was cleared off so you can go for your walkies. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
World of Animals
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