Nurse Dory reporting for duty.
Mom came home the other day and I was assigned to keep Mom comfortable and like any good nurse I take my work very seriously.
At first Mom seemed to sleep alot, so I slept with her on the bed, occasionally sniffing her to check on her general health and well being.
Mom slowly started eating soup and drinking good fluids so of course, I licked the bowls and cups when she was done to ensure the food was nutritious.
Occasionally, Mom moved out to the sofa and I sat right by her in case she needed me to fetch anything. She didn't ask for anything but I brought her my favorite toys. I think she liked that 'cause I got lots of petting.
Mom and I read lots of blogs between naps the last few days. We had to see how Maggie did when her mom went on vacation and we had to check in on Marvin, (I have such a crush on that handsome poet), Butchy & Snickers, Opy, Fei, Charlie, Tin Tin, Freda, Lillie Valentine, Boo, Ben Ben - whew - there are so many we love and I apologize if I left anyone out! Did we say Army of Four and Pappy?
Mom and I laughed so much -our friend Joe Stains posted his bath time photos, Mom asked me why could I stand so nicely in the tub during bath time - Mom's never understand. We were also happy to see our new friends, Five Happy Hounds, got some new babies. I wish Mom would let me play with Valentine Bear :(
I knew Mom was feeling better today when she asked if I would like an official nurse hat. She talked about getting out some paper and glue but in the end she used the computer to draw on a picture of me.
I'm so glad Mom is better - I think my nursing skills have worked their magic!