Gramma Bound!!
I'm ready to go - but sadly my human and her guy have to WORK and we can't leave until tomorrow afternoon!! PHOOEY!
I told my mom that this work stuff is really cramping my style, not to mention my social calendar - but then she reminded me that if she didn't work she wouldn't have money and without money I wouldn't have a house and all the kibble I can eat. So hi ho, hi ho Mom - it's off to work you go!!
While the humans toil away I can fill the hours until we depart by daydreaming of romping in Gramma's super awesome yard and playing with my pals Mac and Mollie!!
So Gramma - Mom, Don and I will see you tomorrow night - tell Uncle Harvey to be prepared for some ear scrunching and let Mac know I am ready to romp in the yard!! (Oh and Mom made it clear that I was allowed on the good sofa for picture taking pictures only - she is such a party pooper!)

Wishing all my doggie pals and their humans a great weekend - see you when we get back from New York!!